Senin, 07 Agustus 2017

Reproduction and develeopment of eel

As already known that the eel is the kingpin of freshwater fish, referred to as kingpin because this fish likes to mencaploki small fish that is still soft. Another bad trait of eels is their penchant for destroying and digging rice fields, so this eel is often regarded as a pest that needs to be eradicated by farmers.
          As a side dish, eel is a type of fish that much preferred even at home Padang goreng and dendeng eel is a much-loved dish, and even in international forums eel is a source of animal protein is recommended. Here is a comparison of nutrient content of Eels compared with other sources of nutrition such as eggs and beef.
n the international forum recommended eel as a source of nutritional fish ever promoted marketing in "Asia Nutrition Congress III" at Hotel Indonesia Jakarta on 7-10 October 1980.

In science this eel including type of land fish / fresh water classified:
Class: Pisces
Sub Class: Teleoski
Order: Syunbrnchoidae
Family: Syubranchidae
Genus: Fluta
Species: Fluta alba
Types of fish that do not have fins or other members to move, have no scales, and the skin is slippery, mucous eyes, small eyes covered with skin, small pointy teeth conical. 

Habitat This fish prefers life in mud or freshwater pools that do not flow and do not feel at home with light and these fish are also able to live in water with a very low oxygen levels. Because the eel has an additional respirator that is a thin slimy skin that is found in the mouth, this tool Another thing that is very interested in the eel is the hemaphroditic sex, which is young eels are female (measuring ± 10-30 cm) while the male is longer (size above 30 cm). Basically eel have eating habits are Carnivora or meat eaters, in the small likes to eat microorganisms of the type zooplankton or zoobenthos. Adult eels eat larger types of animals such as insect larvae, worms, larvae, snails and even small fish seeds.REPRODUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT
          Naturally eels breed once a year, but with a long marriage period, from the rainy season to the dry season, the marriage occurs at night with a temperature of ± 20 ° C, usually the fertilized egg will be guarded by a male eel in the nest until Hatch and will hatch after 9 - 10 days.
For the purposes of the parent required two different sizes of eels of age, namely;
· Eels that are between 20 - 30 cm long, this is a female eel ready to mate.
· Eels that are more than 40 cm long, this is an eel that serves as a stud, serves to take oxygen from free air while gills take oxygen from the water.

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