Minggu, 06 Agustus 2017


Magot is an insect larvae of Black Soldier Fly (Hermentia illucens, Stratiomydae, Diptera), its existence can be found almost all over Indonesia and even around the world with the size of 2 Cm larvae. Maggot has many advantages including:
1. Can reduce organic waste (dewetering);
2. Can live in a wide pH tolerance;
3. Not carry or agent of disease;
4. Have a high enough protein content (40-50%);
5. Lifetime long enough (± 4 weeks) and to get it does not require high technology.
Black Soldier Fly (Hermentia illucens) is a living insect in the flowering trees and in the Trash. Flower (honey) is the main food. His life cycle always performs metamorphosis like a butterfly. An adult black soldier will mate and subsequently lay his eggs on a medium that may serve as food for his larva. Within 2-4 days the egg will hatch into a small maggot, then it will grow to 2 cm by 4 weeks. Until the age of 2 weeks the maggot is still white and then the color becomes more yellowish to black and become pupa at age ± 4 weeks. After 4 weeks the pupa will hatch into adult insects.
The benefits of Magot in the World of Fish Feed as follows:
• Rich Nutrition: Protein 40-48%, Fat 25-32%
Low investment: Magic production does not require water, electricity and chemicals, and simple infrastructure
• Enviromental friendly: able to degrade organic waste into other nutritional materials
• Low Technology: magot production technology can be easily adopted by the community
• Industrial scale: Magot can be processed into a mag meal (Mag meal)
Magot cultivation can be implemented in various regions in Indonesia as an alternative material for Fish Feed. Even Fisheries Extensionists and Fishermen community groups are able to cultivate simply in their respective areas of cultivation. Magot cultivation provides a great advantage financially and provides convenience for fish farmers.
How to do Magot Cultivation is very easy and simple in each Region, like in Palu City, that is by seeing Magot cycle, first prepare place to do laying process and prepare cage for magot. To be more clear and complete can be seen or accessed through the presentation material,
While related to SNI for Magot as raw material Alternative Feed Fish not yet, but Research has been recognized.

Extension VAT Karangantu Fisheries
Silvia Dewi S.St.Pi

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